3º Workshop Heisenberg Comunidad Valenciana

Hotel MR Les Rotes Carretera Les Rotes 85, Dénia, Alicante, España

El programa de WSH3 está diseñado para un grupo de 18 asistentes, todos con responsabilidades en áreas de gestión, utilizando diversas metodologías

2023 IACS Summit on Communication & Sport

Casa Convalescència y Gallery Hotel

The International Association for Communication and Sport (IACS) invites you to attend the 2023 Summit on Communication and Sport. The IACS Summit is the only stand-alone conference for communication researchers interested in exploring sport from diverse critical, methodological, theoretical, and multi-disciplinary perspectives. The Summit welcomes all methodological and theoretical perspectives. This year’s Summit will be co-hosted by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the University of Alabama. The conference will take place on March 9-11, 2023 in Barcelona, Spain.

13 Jornada GRAP

Hotel Vincci Soma Madrid, Madrid, España

4º Workshop Heisenberg Comunidad de Madrid

Hotel Arcipreste de Hita Madrid, Madrid, España

Workshop Heisenberg es un programa intensivo de talleres para el desarrollo de habilidades directivas en la práctica de la gestión sanitaria, enfocado a directivos y mandos intermedios sanitarios de diferentes estamentos de gestión sanitaria, del entorno público o privado, en este caso enfocado a las direcciones médicas asistenciales, direcciones corporativas o gerencia, con la colaboración de la empresa biotecnológica Alexion - AstraZeneca Rare Disease.

11th Iberian Congress on Prions Barcelona 2023

Institut d’Estudis Catalans Carrer del Carme, 47, Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Over 20 years have passed since the first case of BSE was diagnosed in Spain at the beginning of the century, an event that shaped many of our professional careers. Unfortunately, no treatment exists yet to fight the devastating fate of patients suffering from prion diseases, but since the “mad cow” crisis, formidable breakthroughs have happened in prion science. It is a field that has always embraced the one Health approach: bringing together multidisciplinary scientists to tackle one of the great unsolved challenges in science, to cure prion diseases, which share molecular mechanisms with other protein misfolding disorders of high prevalence in our aging society.
